
Building Interactive Modals with HTMX and Web Components

In this guide, we'll explore how to create interactive modals by combining HTMX with Web Components. We will walk through how these technologies work together to manage server-side updates while keeping the client-side light and efficient.

Introduction to HTMX and Web Components

HTMX and Web Components are tools designed for distinct purposes. HTMX enables partial updates to a webpage without a full reload, while Web Components provide a reusable way to define custom HTML elements, which can hold temporary client-side state. Together, they offer a simple yet powerful approach for building dynamic user interfaces, like modals.

By using these two technologies together, you can build modular components that don't require complex JavaScript frameworks.

Step 1: Defining the Modal Component

To start, let's create a ui-modal Web Component. This modal will be responsible for managing its own open and close behavior, as well as the animations.



In the code above, a ui-modal Web Component is created. It includes styles for the modal, logic to open and close it, and uses the shadow DOM to keep the component isolated from other page styles. The slot element is used to allow flexible content insertion within the modal.

Key Features

Step 2: Integrating HTMX for Dynamic Updates

Next, we integrate HTMX to load the modal dynamically from the server. This allows server-rendered HTML to be loaded and displayed without refreshing the page.



Key Points

Note how the form is populated with data from the database (the available other pockets to select), showcasing why HTMX is practical for server-driven UI updates.

Step 3: Using the Modal in an Application

With the modal component created, we can now integrate it into a larger application. The modal can be dynamically triggered by a button or other elements to load specific content on demand.


In this example, a button triggers the modal via an HTMX request to load content from the server. The modal is added to the page and can be closed or interacted with, all while keeping the rest of the page intact.

Advanced Usage with JavaScript

Beyond using HTMX, the modal can also be controlled programmatically using JavaScript. This is useful in cases where custom interactions are needed, such as opening a modal based on user actions in another part of the UI.

		this.sankey_chart.on("click", (params) => {
			if (params.dataType === "node") {
				htmx.ajax("GET", "/pockets/edit", {
					target: "body",
					swap: "beforeend"
			// ...

In this example, we listen for events on a sankey chart JavaScript library component. When a node is clicked, the corresponding modal is loaded dynamically using HTMX, allowing for seamless interaction between different parts of the interface.


Combining HTMX and Web Components is a practical approach to building interactive modals. HTMX manages server-driven updates efficiently, while Web Components encapsulate the client-side behavior, creating reusable and flexible components. This approach reduces the need for complex client-side frameworks and keeps the codebase clean and maintainable. This methodology can be applied to a variety of use cases where lightweight, dynamic interactions are required.


To see it in action, visit the BudgetFlow landing page and try out the demo to see how the modals work.